January is a time where many of us are looking for a fresh start and a new look. At 740 Park Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures to help you achieve your 2018 goals. Starting off the new year with a new look might just give the extra confidence to go after the rest of your goals this year.
Put Your Best Face Forward with a facial procedure or treatment this year. Whether you’re looking to turn back the clock in a major way, or simply rejuvenate the skin with a med spa treatment, 740 Park has you covered with our comprehensive facial enhancement procedures and skin treatments. An effective procedure that will leave your friends wondering what you’re doing differently is the Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. This does drastically change the appearance of your face; but rather, gives you a well-rested and healthy look.
If you have been living with breast insecurities for a while now, there’s never been a better time to get your confidence back. Our doctor offers a wide variety of breast enhancement, breast reduction and revision surgeries that can address any issues you may be experiencing. One of our favorite techniques to add to enhancement and reductions is a breast lift. A breast lift is a perfect procedure to add a more youthful touch to breasts that may be showing the effects of age or volume loss.
The most common New Year’s resolution every year seems to be centered around fitness or weight loss. Why not get a little boost of motivation towards your body goals with a body contouring procedure or treatment? At 740 Park, we can address body insecurities of all kinds with surgical body lifts, tucks or med spa procedures.
If you’re interested in learning more about a surgical procedure or med spa treatment, call our Park Avenue office today to schedule a consultation.